Sunday, July 8, 2018

Step into my shoes and walk a mile with me

Step into my shoes and walk a mile with me, the journey has been long and the road was not easy, but  by the grace of God and the help of some amazing people I made it. 

A few years ago a day like today seemed impossible. I just spent 9 days at my sister's house. Our kids are best friends like cousins should be. We all have a lot of time to make up for but we are defiantly a family....finally.  I was sitting at the kitchen table and the kids were all sitting around and my sister was cooking and everyone was talking and laughing and it felt like complete chaos, I loved every second of it. It felt like a family should be and I never wanted that moment to end.

So many of us take these small moments for granted. I will never do that again. I spent many long years trying to find out who I was and its better than I ever could have imagined. I could have never made this dream come true without the help of everyone who supported me and shared my story. Because of all of you my story was heard by the right people who could help and make my dream a reality. There were so many times that  I thought I would never have my questions answered and your inspiring messages kept me going. The road was long and hard and lots of time my supporters carried me along my journey. I am eternally grateful.

For many years I have been asked when I was going to share my story with the world. I always said "I don't have an ending yet." and once I had the ending I still had so many questions that I needed answers to. I am still learning more every day, but the time is here, the time is now!! I am ready to share this story and inspire others to NEVER give up!!

I am starting with releasing a book in a few months and it will be followed by a movie. Abandoned Vol.1 will tell the beginning of the story. It is a heart wrenching, inspiring story of love and abandonment. It will defiantly pull at your heart strings.  My hope with this movie is the same as it was when sharing my story through this blog. It is to give hope and inspire others. If I can do it, you can do it! Nothing is impossible, even if it seems impossible!

Making a movie is a costly project for production. We plan to travel with cast and crew to Oklahoma. We plan to recreate 1978. I promise you won't be disappointed! I have started a Gofundme account! I am asking if everyone could donate something, even if it's $1. Everything helps and gets us towards our goal.  I would have never made it this far without you and together we can bring hope to those across the world.

If you would like to donate $1000 or more I have some donation packages for you ( things like- executive producer, movie extra, advertising, name in credits)  you can email me at for more information.

I'll be sharing more about production as it progresses. For now I just ask that everyone share this story and the gofundme page and please donate if you can.

Visit my GoFundMe page for more information and to date!! Please share!!!
I know that with love and support anything is possible!! Thank you all so much!!